Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scouting Sunday: Safety Sense Brownie Girl Scout Try-It

My oldest daughter earned this badge as a Daisy with her troop, but my younger daughter and I will be working on this badge. Here is what we plan to do:

1- Street Safety: We moved to our apartment about 1 year ago and actually will be moving again in about a month, but I think we may do this activity in both places since we will still visit often. For this activity, the girls are to make a map of their neighborhood and mark the important places such as the police station and firehouse. Alternatively, they can use an already created map and just mark the places on it.

3- Smoke Alarm: We will study smoke alarms and how they work. We will discuss the importance of having a working smoke alarm and how to test it to be sure it works. We will have a fire drill where we use the smoke alarm to alert them to the "fire".

4- Playground Safety: Our meeting place has a playground and safety has been an issue, so this will be done as a troop activity. We will discuss safe playground behavior and some safety rules for the playground. THe girls will then make a poster showing the safety rules.

5- First Aid: I will teach the girls the Heimlich Maneuver. We will also discuss what to do if they are choking themselves, so that others know they need help.

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